So JC turned 13 this past week. So far, its the same old same old. In some ways, he has gotten better / easier to deal with. In others, not so much, even quite a bit harder. School has become increasingly more difficult for him. He can't seem to keep his hands off people, he has to just bug. That and his disrespect for all authority (he has been pushing them when they are in his way - school officer is taking over, which isn't good for JC, but at least the officer is really understanding and works very well with JC) is landing him in some trouble. It really is a good thing, rather a GOD thing that he has such a great support system there with his principal. Mr. W is awesome! He really cares about JC and is so open to new ideas on how to work with him.
What a Handsome Boy!!!! |
So, on JC's birthday, he was so wound up. He just couldn't keep still and I know the excitement really got the best of him, but it is so hard to understand why he can't settle. His speech has been deteriorating again as well. We keep thinking its the medication, but we have taken him off of the ones that really affect speech and it hasn't helped. We are looking into speech therapy again. :( The problem they told us last time is that his tongue gets lazy. So, when we talk to him, we have to remind him to slow down and use his tongue. Sometimes it makes him mad and we never hear what he wanted to say... which is frustrating. But, most of the time, he really wants us to understand so he will comply.
Also, PSR hours have been cut across the board here in Idaho, so that means only 4 hours a week in services and almost half of those are not even with JC, it is the paperwork!!! I am praying that as JC grows, his meds will even out and he will realize he is meant for something more than just being a bipolar kid. He has such low self esteem most of the time and his moods change on the dime.
On the other hand, he has started a few extra "teenager" chores here at home in addition to the normal ones. He is now responsible for washing dishes and filling the dishwasher and also making dinner two times per month. He is super excited about the last one, not so much about the first one :) He made his first "dinner" tonight. He made us all macaroni and cheese, LOL... So cute how he thought about how he was going to make it. He asked me how to boil water, ha ha ha!! I helped by my words, but he did all the work and everyone gave him a big "A". He was happy. So good to see him smile. It might be a "chore", but to him it was a big boost!
Anyways, I know it has been a long time since I've posted so I thought I'd jot a quick note to update all.
I am hoping to update you all on our Christmas Happenings, but in case I don't find time (I don't ever seem to have enough!!!) MERRY CHRISTmas!!!